Tuesday, July 29, 2008

24th of July

We had a fun 24th of July celebration on Saturday. We combined with another ward for a breakfast. We stopped at a couple of yard sales on our way there. Got some really great games that I'm looking forward to playing with the fam. We ate our pancakes and the kids played. Then they had a parade. This picture is Ben and his friend Hyrum getting ready for the parade.
They had organized a lot of fun games, too. This is Ben being a wheelbarrow with his friend Reed. They didn't do so well. I don't think Reed could hold him up very well and Ben's arms weren't as strong as he would have liked them to be. A few times he was down on his arms instead of up on his hands! But, they finished. He also did a 3-legged race with his friend Luke and then a foot race.
Kannon also did a foot race. He quit three quarters of the way because "I knew I wasn't going to win." He did cross the finish line but by then he was almost walking. I didn't even try the women's foot race because I knew I would lose. I've never been a fast runner and some of the other ladies ARE runners. I didn't want to embarrass my family either by being the last and biggest up there! But congrats to Kim - a winner of the race!!! I did do a piggy-back race with Ben - I didn't win, obviously, but we weren't last either and it was fun. Kannon and I did the water balloon toss and we did okay - that was more for fun anyway. Of course that turned into a little water fight with the leftovers. Ben had a great time throwing them at his friends mothers! Sorry! And I was able to break a few on Kannon that he was holding! It was a good time.

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