Saturday, December 5, 2009

first week of december

It seems to be all I can do just to get a smattering of pictures with a few descriptions on here!

We finally made it to story time again last week. After the stories the kids got to make Santa puppets. That was kind of fun. I hope we get to do more activities like that now that they are in the new building.

This year, for Christmas, I told Ben he could have a special tree in his room - at the time thinking it would be for the kids. Well, my mom found the pink tree and couldn't resist getting it for Sarah. So, now they both have a tree for Christmas.

That being said, they are having a hard time dealing with the fact that I "own" the family tree. When I told Ben not to touch anything on the tree because it was mine, he said, "You mean I held the tree and Dad cut it down - for YOU?!" That's right. My ornaments are special this year - they are the ones my mom bought me for my last birthday, and I don't want them broken!
A few weeks ago I sat down with the kids and the calendar and a list of fun things to do this Christmas. We picked what we wanted and scheduled them in. For years I've wanted to make fruitcake with my Dad. It's his mothers' recipe and he used to make it for our family every once in awhile. Well, each year it seems we don't have the money or the time and it gets postponed. This year, I put it on the calendar and talked to him about it far in advance. We each bought 1/2 the ingredients a little at a time so that it didn't feel like so much money. Then, on Friday, we met at their house and he and I made the fruitcake. I was the mixer - you HAVE to use your hands, and Dad added the ingredients. It was really fun! I took a few pieces home with me and have been eating them for my breakfasts. Yummy!

On the first friday of December our town lights up the big Christmas tree on Maine St. I think they said this was the 25th year? We had it scheduled to go as a family. But, at the last minute I didn't want to take the baby out in the cold. So, Kannon offered to stay home. Neither of us wanted to go, but I couldn't let the kids down. We only live a few blocks away, so we bundled up and took a walk. We got there, found a good friend of ours, and a few minutes later they lit up the tree. Then.....wait for it.....we went back home. Woo hoo. It's really not all that special to me. I just like to drive past it at night a few times each Christmas season!

Ben with our friend Paxton.

On Saturday we had scheduled our tree finding expedition! Kannon got up early to run up to Reno and vote in their Union election. He came right back home and we loaded up in the 'burban. We went out to the Carroll Summit area. I told him two choices for roads to drive down, and we took the one less traveled. About 3 miles later and after a heart-pounding ride up a hill, I said, "what about that one?" and Kannon stopped. I got out with Sarah, and we checked over a couple of trees. Then I gave Ben the pick of 2 different trees and he chose the one with more needles but shorter. Yay, that was quick. Equally quick was the cutting of the tree and then the kids went straight for the hot chocolate. That's the part they were most excited about, I think. It was also scheduled on the calendar - "get tree, hot chocolate."
For those of you familiar with our area, you know that on Highway 50 there are a lot of salt flats where people have taken rocks and written names, initials, websites, you name it. On our way out that day, Ben kept asking if we could do that. We figured we wouldn't really have time (Kannon was going to the temple that afternoon) and said maybe another day we'd come out just for that. Well, on the way back we were buzzed by a few Navy jets and Kannon wanted to stop and listen and watch for a bit. Well, wouldn't you know, there were some rocks right there and you couldn't even tell what they spelled anymore. So, Ben and I got out and left his mark. It was so cold!

After we got home, Kannon trimmed the bottom of the tree and set it up in the living room. He then started getting the front porch loaded with wood in preparation for our upcoming really cold weather! I helped out with that and after he left for the temple, and the baby was asleep, I decorated the tree. It was nice to get it done without too much interruption. Sarah really wanted to help and I wouldn't let her. I guess I was a mean mom about that.
I really like it, and love the smell of the fresh tree. It's also really fun to see the special ornaments and know that they were picked out just for me!


Nancy said...

Sounds like you are all having a fun Christmas season. I love your tree. It looks great, and it kind of reminds of Grandma Young.

Angie said...

Fun times! I love how you wrote with the rocks in the salt flats. I've thought about doing that sometime too! LOVE fresh trees, and your ornaments are really pretty.

rdearrieta said...

That cracks me up about "your tree" and the comment made by Ben. Kids, they are too darn cute. Hope you have a wonderful season!