Thursday, April 16, 2009

Silly Sarah

This was the weather we had on Tuesday afternoon. It had been such a nice day before, that this totally surprised me. We had to build a fire about then because it just got so cold. A fire again yesterday, and this morning. But, I'm about ready to let it go out, now. Next week we're supposed to hit 80! I guess that's spring for you.

Ben took this scary picture of me last night when I was giving Sarah her bath. You can kind of see my belly in it. I had a call from the doctors office yesterday that got me nervous. I'd had my glucose test the week before and thought they were going to tell me I was in trouble. But, my glucose is fine - my iron is low. Not a big surprise - it's been low in all my pregnancies. I just haven't been taking my supplement like I'm supposed to. Oops!

So, Sarah has made me laugh a lot lately. She says the cutest things. I guess a lot of kids her age do that, too. Thought I'd share some with you.

She's discovered painting. It's easy for her to do alone and it's not hard to clean up. The other day she came to me with her paper and paints and paint shirt telling me she wanted to paint.

Me - who said you could paint?

Sarah - Heavenly Father.

She often comes to me and says, "Mommy, my tummy says 'feed me, feed me!'"

Kannon took the kids for a walk around the block last week. He was telling them "Don't step on the crack or you'll break your mothers' back." Sarah phrased it a little differently.

Sarah - Don't step on your Dad's back, it will hurt, and Dad will get mad!

1 comment:

Janet said...

I miss my munchkin!